Moreras A., Tolvanen J., Kysučan M., Samaš P., Grim T. & Thomson R. 2025: Can nest design hinder brood parasitism success? |
Grim T., Dor R. & Hauber M. E. 2024: Adaptive patterns of anti-predator escape behavior in a globally introduced bird species. |
Grim T. 2023: Monitoring výrečka malého (Otus scops) v ČR. |
Kovařík P., Hladká T., Harmáčková L. & Grim T. 2022: Range expansion of the Eurasian Scops Owl (Otus scops) in Czechia. |
Nyklová-Ondrová M., Hanley D. & Grim T. 2020: White stork nest altitude decreases as global temperatures increase. |
Hanley D., Gern K., Hauber M. E. & Grim T. 2019: Host responses to foreign eggs across the avian visual color space. |
Tyller Z., Kysučan M. & Grim T. 2018: Postfledging behavior of the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) attended by the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs): a comprehensive approach to study the least known stage of brood parasite–host coevolution. |
Samaš P., Heryán J. & Grim T. 2017: Corrigendum Samaš et al. 2013: Sylvia 49: 21–38. |
Grim T. 2017: Chick discrimination versus adaptive parasitic egg acceptance: the egg dilution effect hypothesis revisited. |
Grim T., Tyller Z. & Samaš P. 2017: Unusual diet of brood parasitic nestlings and its fitness consequences. |
Hanley D., Grim T., Igic B., Samaš P., López A. V., Shawkey M. D. & Hauber M. E. 2017: Egg discrimination along a gradient of natural variation in eggshell coloration. |
Grim T. & Samaš P. 2016: Growth performance of nestling cuckoos Cuculus canorus in cavity nesting hosts. |
Samaš P., Rutila J. & Grim T. 2016: The common redstart as a suitable model to study cuckoo-host coevolution in a unique ecological context. |
Hanley D., Šulc M., Brennan P. L. R., Hauber M. E., Grim T. & Honza M. 2016: Dynamic egg color mimicry. |
Dinets V., Samaš P., Croston R., Grim T. & Hauber M. E. 2015: Predicting the responses of native birds to transoceanic invasions by avian brood parasites. Covered by Scientific American |
Igic B., Zarate E., Sewell M. A., Moskát C., Cassey P., Rutila J., Grim T., Shawkey M. D. & Hauber M. E. 2015: A comparison of egg yolk lipid constituents between parasitic common cuckoos and their hosts. |
Trnka A., Trnka M. & Grim T. 2015: Do rufous common cuckoo females indeed mimic a predator? An experimental test. |
Hanley D., Grim T., Cassey P. & Hauber M. E. 2015: Not so colourful after all: eggshell pigments constrain avian eggshell colour space. Covered by Audubon, Science, Prima ZOOM, Vesmír, Český rozhlas, Lidovky, Týden, Květy, ... |
Hanley D., Samaš P., Heryán J., Hauber M. E. & Grim T. 2015: Now you see it, now you don't: flushing hosts prior to experimentation can predict their responses to brood parasitism. Covered by Česká televize, Instinkt, Mladá fronta DNES, Deník, Právo, Technický týdeník, Technet, ... |
Igic B., Fecheyr-Lippens D., Xiao M., Chan A., Hanley D., Brennan P. R. L., Grim T., Waterhouse G. I. N., Hauber M. E. & Shawkey M. D. 2015: A nanostructural basis for gloss of avian eggshells. Covered by The New York Times, National Geographic, I Fucking Love Science, Science World, The Week,, ... |
Grim T., Samaš P., Procházka P. & Rutila J. 2014: Are tits really unsuitable hosts for the common cuckoo? |
Portugal S. J., Hauber M. E., Maurer G., Stokke B. G., Grim T. & Cassey P. 2014: Rapid development of brood-parasitic cuckoo embryos cannot be explained by increased gas exchange through the eggshell. |
Trnka A. & Grim T. 2014: Testing for correlations between behaviours in a cuckoo host: why do host defences not covary? |
Trnka A. & Grim T. 2014: Dynamic risk assessment: does a nearby breeding nest predator affect nest defence of its potential victim? |
Vaicenbacher L., Grim T. & Greeney H. F. 2014: The nest and eggs of black-throated flowerpiercer Diglossa brunneiventris. |
Samaš P., Heryán J. & Grim T. 2013: How does urbanization affect dispersal in Eurasian blackbirds (Turdus merula)? |
Polačiková L., Takasu F., Stokke B. G., Moksnes A., Røskaft E., Cassey P., Hauber M. E. & Grim T. 2013: Egg arrangement in avian clutches covaries with the rejection of foreign eggs. Covered by Scientific American |
Trnka A. & Grim T. 2013: Color plumage polymorphism and predator mimicry in brood parasites. |
Grim T. 2013: Mimicry, signalling, and co-evolution. (Invited commentary) |
Trnka A. & Grim T. 2013: To compensate or not to compensate: testing the negotiation model in the context of nest defence. |
Grim T. 2012: Leisler B. & Schulze-Hagen K. 2011: The reed warblers. Diversity in a uniform bird family. (Book review) |
Grim T. 2012: Šťastný, K. & Hudec, K. (eds.) Fauna ČR. Ptáci. Volume 3, Parts I and II. (Book review) |
Trnka A., Prokop P. & Grim T. 2012: Uncovering dangerous cheats: how do avian hosts recognize adult brood parasites? |
Grim T. 2011: Ornithology: a science for everyone? (Invited commentary) |
Grim T. 2011: Ejecting chick cheats: a changing paradigm? |
Polačiková L. & Grim T. 2010: Blunt egg pole holds cues for alien egg discrimination: experimental evidence. |
Igic B., Cassey P., Samaš P., Grim T. & Hauber M. E. 2009: Cigarette butts form a perceptually cryptic component of song thrush Turdus philomelos nests. |
Anderson M. G., Moskát C., Bán M., Grim T., Cassey P. & Hauber M. E. 2009: Egg eviction imposes a recoverable cost of virulence in chicks of a brood parasite. Covered by Česká televize, TV Nova, Olomoucký deník, Právo, Týden, Český rozhlas, ... |
Grim T., Rutila J., Cassey P. & Hauber M. E. 2009: The cost of virulence: an experimental study of egg eviction by brood parasitic chicks. |
Grim T. 2009: The “beer vs. science” affair: illuminating drawbacks of current ecology. (Invited commentary) |
Grim T., Rutila J., Cassey P. & Hauber M. E. 2009: Experimentally constrained virulence is costly for common cuckoo chicks. |
Grim T. 2008: Begging behavior of the fledgling rusty-breasted cuckoo (Cacomantis sepulcralis). |
Cassey P., Honza M., Grim T. & Hauber M. E. 2008: The modelling of avian visual perception predicts behavioural rejection responses to variable egg colours. Covered by Current Biology, New Zealand Herald, HRC News, Mindfood |
Grim T. 2008: A possible role of social activity to explain differences in publication output among ecologists. Covered by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Die Zeit, Telegraph, Faculty of 1000, Nature Blogs, New Scientist, The Scientist, Null Hypothesis – The Journal of Unlikely Science, The Prague Post, Respekt, Česká televize, Lidovky, Právo, VTM Science, Živa (interview), NEWSLETTER (interview) etc., also nominated for an Ig Nobel prize: aimed at research projects which "first make people laugh, and then make them think" ;-) |
Grim T. 2008: Are blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) defending their nests also calling for help from their neighbours? |
Grim T. 2008: Wing-shaking and wing-patch as nestling begging strategies: their importance and evolutionary origins. (Review paper) |
Straka O. & Grim T. 2007: Nest site selection in the Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis). |
Grim T. 2007: Equal rights for chick brood parasites. |
Grim T. 2007: Experimental evidence for chick discrimination without recognition in a brood parasite host. Covered by Trends in Ecology and Evolution |
Grim T. 2006: Low virulence of brood parasitic chicks: adaptation or constraint? |
Grim T. 2006: Cuckoo growth performance in parasitized and unused hosts: not only host size matters. |
Grim T. 2006: The evolution of nestling discrimination by hosts of parasitic birds: why is rejection so rare? (Review paper) |
Grim T. 2006: An exceptionally high diversity of hoverflies (Syrphidae) in the food of the reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus). |
Grim T. & Šumbera R. 2006: A new record of the endangered white-winged nightjar (Eleothreptus candicans) from Beni, Bolivia. |
Matysioková B. & Grim T. 2005: Who determines length of the nestling period in open nesting passerines: parents or offspring? |
Grim T. 2005: Host recognition of brood parasites: implications for methodology in studies of enemy recognition. |
Matysioková B. & Grim T. 2004: Další výskyt ústřičníka velkého (Haematopus ostralegus) v hnízdním období na Dunaji. |
Grim T. 2002: Veselovský Z. 2001: Obecná ornitologie (Book review). |
Grim T. 2002: Why is mimicry in cuckoo eggs sometimes so poor? |
Grim T. 2001: Davies 2000: Cuckoos, cowbirds and other cheats. (Book review) |
Grim T. 2001: Rothstein & Robinson (eds.) 1998: Parasitic birds and their hosts. Studies in coevolution. (Book review) |
Grim T. & Honza M. 2001: Does supernormal stimulus influence parental behaviour of the cuckoo’s host? |
Grim T. 2000: An interesting observation of redirected activity in the song thrush (Turdus philomelos). |
Grim T. 1999: The food of great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) nestlings. |
Grim T. & Honza M. 1996: Effect of habitat on the diet of reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) nestlings. |
Grim T. 1995: Pozorování potáplice lední Gavia immer u Pasohlávek. |
Grim T. 1992: Zahnízdění slavíka modráčka středoevropského Luscinia svecica cyanecula Meisner, 1804 na Českomoravské vrchovině. |
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